
We love to frame single as well as multiple photos in one frame and enjoy framing whatever arrangements you would love to see on your walls.

We frame found objects like sea conches, sand dollars, reptile skins, old tools as well as armaments, dresses, shoes – in fact everything and anything that you want to memorialise.

Look at the photos of some of our achieved picture frames to get an idea of what you would like to frame.

We also work with companies, hospitals and foundations to frame many items that they wish to offer or display.  We are competitive and strive to match our quality with the acceptable charge to our clients.

We are specialists in quality preservation framing.  The staff at Atelier Daniel were among the first to offer museum quality framing to the general public.

Our goal is to create framing that will remain fresh and apropos to your décor for many years to come. Please enjoy browsing through some of our work. These finished frames represent a collaborative effort between you, our client, and us, your master framers.

We invite you to call or come by to discuss your ideas.
